09:00= "MOM FORGOT ME!!!!!" (and here there is a drawing of a shocked boston)
09:15= Bored
09:30= Bored
09:45= Bored
10:00= Visited Jordan's place
10:05= Bit Jordan
10:06= Bit Jordan again
10:07= Peed on Jordan
10:08= Back to my house
10:15= Screamed some
10:20= Slept
11:00= Screamed some more
11:10= Sleeping
11:40= Woke up and rolled around in my cage some
12:00= Hey, is'nt it lunchtime?
12:26= green Dino bit me (his dino Cuz toy)
12:45= Washing my privates (here there is a drawing of a boston in a bathtub peeking out of a shower curtain and the caption says "hey don't look")
13:10= Sleeping
13:20= Boy did I have to pee!!!
15:45= Where's my shepard? :(
16:00= Dino is hiding. How dare it?
16:40= Dang it, re-incarcerated!
When I came in at 10pm, he was running relay races throughout the hospital. I'm assuming it was a slow day at work :)