Alana (look_its_alana) wrote in boston_buddies,


Smudge got bit or ate a bug or something again and she's breaking out in hives. I know to give her benadryl, just not sure how much or a specific kind. I definately don't want to OD her.

Another problem is she's having accidents in the house. This is probably her 4th time in the last few months, and I don't know why. She's 7 years old, so its not like she's not potty trained or in the process of it... I think it might have to do with the fact we had put our cats down a few months ago within in a short period of time due to failing health (both were 14.) They were never buddy buddy with Smudge, but I think to her they were company, and now she doesn't have that anymore.

Tips please! We are arranging a vet appt. asap!

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