He was very sad when he got home. Even his Steelers' yellow bandage and the new red bandana didn't help him to feel any better. Me? I made sure he was ok, then I exploited my parents who were trying to keep me from barking and running around by demanding treats.
I made sure the Doofus was out, and then I asked Mom for a special favor...
I am so happy I could die!
I looove him
I had to keep an eye out for the Doofus...
Can you believe that even though Cowboy Pig is missing a leg, his squeaker is still intact!!! I promise these are gentle love nibbles.
Finally our time together had to come to an end. I can't watch as Mom puts him away. *sob*
The Doof is still a little out of it, but feeling a little better. He has had some water and food and is not barfing, so he might just make it through this :)
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