Genevieve (alwaysgenevieve) wrote in boston_buddies,

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Lulu Belle

We talked to the internal specialist. He did her ultra sound and her kidneys are so badly deformed that they hardly resemble kidneys. My little girl is going to die. We just hope she can keep on living for as long as possible. She has to stay at the vet until we can stabalize her toxin levels. Then we will bring her home and put her on a low protein diet with some injections.

I am so distraught. I don't know what to think or do. I called her breeder and she answered. I said it was Genevieve with Lulu and she said oh yeah. I said Lulu is dying from kidney failure because her kidneys are so deformed they dont even look like kidneys. She said oh honey what am i supposed to do?!

I said dont breed dogs with hereditary kidney problems!! she said there is no test for that and hung up on me. This is just so sad to me because I have always told every vet she ever had that she peed a ton, drank tons of water, and had smelly breath.  They should have done an ultra sound then and yeah they wouldnt have been able to save her but at least she would have been on a low protien diet this entire time.. maybe it would have prolonged her life. 

They say she has a couple weeks to a couple months left. I am going to die without my Lulu

  • My babies

    I haven't posted in forever... I'm sorry for that. I think I'll be around more often, and I hope all of you will be too. My babies:…

  • rest in peace

    In case anyone still checks this community, I thought I'd post this. My Lainie died yesterday. She had turned 11 years old not long ago. I took her…

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  • My babies

    I haven't posted in forever... I'm sorry for that. I think I'll be around more often, and I hope all of you will be too. My babies:…

  • rest in peace

    In case anyone still checks this community, I thought I'd post this. My Lainie died yesterday. She had turned 11 years old not long ago. I took her…

  • Hi all!