My sister forwarded me this e-mail if any of you live near Crandall, TX:
Hi Friends! About a week ago I found this sweet girl running on the service road near the Foundation herein Crandall where I work. I kept her for a day and went to several homes behind us, to the local vetto check for a "chip", posted signs, ETC!! I turned her over to the City of Crandall thinking SURELY her owners would be looking for her.
PLEASE - if you or anyone you know could give her a good home let me know. She is a special, sweet young (maybe 2 yrs. old) Boston Terrier - beautiful markings, seems house trained with a great temperament!!!! I want her, but as you all know I have my hands full with the Jack Russell Terrorist!! Please help.
My cell number is 972-742-5790. Thanks, Michelle