Pirate Likes Oatmeal (pratelikesoatml) wrote in boston_buddies,
Pirate Likes Oatmeal

SD Area Invite

I'm not sure if any of you are in the San Diego area but if you are... Maple is turning 1 on the 21st.
So on April 20th at 1pm we are having a puppy party for her and one of my friends' dogs at Del Mar Dog Beach.
So if you are in the area, we would love to have you there.
Im going to be making a puppy cake and puppy treat bags. Plus there will be some snacks and drinks for the people friends too.

I'm going to make a post on the 21st with her mushy puppy pics to now in celebration of her birthday!!
Also, we bought the girls a little kiddie pool yesterday but Maple seems to be the only one to care about it. Lola wants nothing to do with it.

Maple says.. "COME TO MY BIRTHDAY!!!"

"I mean it.. if you don't come to my party... Im gonna hop through this screen!"

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  • Hi all!

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