Zeus was a rescue from our vet. The vet got him from a puppy store owner. Zeus had a horrific case of demodectic mange when the vet got him. They were going to put him down, but he had such a good personality that they decided to try and save him instead. I came in to get my cat a check up, and the vet tech said, "Hey, have you ever thought about getting a dog?". She brought out a completely bald Zeus, and I was in love.
He still doesn't have a good coat, but at least he's not bald any more. And he's as spoiled as a dog can be. He's great with my three boys, and even tolerates the rabbit we adopted last fall. He loves to travel and goes camping with us all summer long. Here he is one one of our camping trips:

And here he is (most unhappily) on our trip to Tahoe last winter: