madison may (keepclose) wrote in boston_buddies,
madison may

Update on Bam.

First and foremost, thank you to all of you who sent well wishes our way! I really appreciate the support, it's wonderful.

This was Bam on Sunday.

You can see one of the drains in this picture which have since been taken out. :)

He is doing so much better! The only problems we're having now are with his stitches. Last week he had opened up the side you see in the picture, only a few of the stitches though but there was a lot of blood. Then just a few hours ago I checked the stitches again and the ones my regular vet put in when he re-opened them are coming loose. One stitch has already pulled through one side of his wound. It's REALLY frustrating! He's so good too, he doesn't lick them or scratch them but they are in such a bad spot. They already changed the date that he'll be getting them out and now it'll probably be even longer. I'm going to be taking him to the vet tomorrow morning and I really hope they don't charge me another $120 to fix the stitches. :(

Anyways, sorry for the rant. I just want my little man to be done with this mess!
Thank you again to all of you. :)

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