Lynne (iheartpenguins) wrote in boston_buddies,

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I just heard the most disturbing thing on the news. :( I CANT BELEIVE THIS.

Some teenagers were 'getting back' at an older guy because this guy KINDLY asked them to stop cutting through his yard.

So what happend? The teenagers ransacked his house, totaled his property, stole two guns, but worse of all they:
Shot a cat at close range
Plucked all the feathers off of the pet bird
Stepped on the pet lizzard
and took the fish out of water and left them for dead.


I guess it was like 4 teenage boys around 16/17.

Just... wow. Who the HELL could do such a thing?

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  • rest in peace

    In case anyone still checks this community, I thought I'd post this. My Lainie died yesterday. She had turned 11 years old not long ago. I took her…

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  • My babies

    I haven't posted in forever... I'm sorry for that. I think I'll be around more often, and I hope all of you will be too. My babies:…

  • rest in peace

    In case anyone still checks this community, I thought I'd post this. My Lainie died yesterday. She had turned 11 years old not long ago. I took her…

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