Sara Rae (sarakenobi) wrote in boston_buddies,
Sara Rae

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this makes me so angry...

There's an artist, Nathalia Edenmont, who kills animals, uses them as artwork, then takes their photographs. She's on exhibit, among other places, at the Wetterling Gallery in Sweden.
Example: She has taken the top halves of five white mice and made them into finger puppets. Link to samples of the exhibit (warning! offensive content):

The Wetterling Gallery's Justification of her work:

*****Link to the petition against her: I really think this is sick, and please sign the petition if you agree that this is not art, but murder. the pictures are not terrible,they don't have blood or guts... but knowing that they are dead animals, and particulary animals killed for "art" this is quite disturbing.

stolen from userinfonyrchicky's lj and x-posted inuserinfo boston_buddies anduserinfoparrot_lovers

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