Anticipated Zulu (sebatical) wrote in boston_buddies,
Anticipated Zulu

Happy holidays, boston_buddies!!

Does anyone else have a Boston that seems to have recurring ear infections? Clancy has basically had a minor ear infection for the past year or so. I've taken him to the vet four times now and to the tune of $100 or so each time, it doesn't seem to be doing a whole lot to help him. He's had shots, oral antibiotics and ear drops.

I'm starting to wonder if I need to take him to a different vet (this is the one where my family has gone for 30 years and is always really good!) or if this is just something that the breed is plagued with. If ear infections are not common problems for Bostons, then perhaps I will try another vet, because this one just doesn't seem to be getting the job done.

Any suggestions would greatly appreciated!

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    In case anyone still checks this community, I thought I'd post this. My Lainie died yesterday. She had turned 11 years old not long ago. I took her…

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  • My babies

    I haven't posted in forever... I'm sorry for that. I think I'll be around more often, and I hope all of you will be too. My babies:…

  • rest in peace

    In case anyone still checks this community, I thought I'd post this. My Lainie died yesterday. She had turned 11 years old not long ago. I took her…

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