Jessica (missjhyde) wrote in boston_buddies,

  • Mood:
I got a Snuggle Sack in the mail yesterday!
Chris ordered it for me on the sly and I was very confused when there was a round package in my mailbox I didn't know about.
You did good, Chris!

So far, Ruby has sniffed it, slept on it, and it slowly working her way into the sack.

Ruby's looking a bit stoned - but she's just waking up!

She's retreated back into the sack....sort of...

Her standard blanket position on the couch.

This is how she wakes me up in the morning. She crawls up by my head, then flips on her back and writhes until I wake up and rub her belly!

  • My babies

    I haven't posted in forever... I'm sorry for that. I think I'll be around more often, and I hope all of you will be too. My babies:…

  • rest in peace

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  • Hi all!

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