Natalie (limozeen430) wrote in boston_buddies,

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Does anyone else's BT 'bury' things inside the house? My little gal will get her cookie (the magic word for her treats) and will circle the house until she finds a corner or piece of furniture and will scratch away the 'dirt' and place her cookie there, then nose the carpet, I guess to cover it up with more 'dirt'. I find this sooo funny. Even if she's doing it right in front of you, you have to pretend you don't see her, otherwise she'll move her cookie. She will bury things outside on occasion, but she's primarily an inside dog, so most of her 'burying' is done on the carpet or the couch or recliner. Is this normal behavior for our little piggies?

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    I haven't posted in forever... I'm sorry for that. I think I'll be around more often, and I hope all of you will be too. My babies:…

  • rest in peace

    In case anyone still checks this community, I thought I'd post this. My Lainie died yesterday. She had turned 11 years old not long ago. I took her…

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  • My babies

    I haven't posted in forever... I'm sorry for that. I think I'll be around more often, and I hope all of you will be too. My babies:…

  • rest in peace

    In case anyone still checks this community, I thought I'd post this. My Lainie died yesterday. She had turned 11 years old not long ago. I took her…

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