Mele (mele) wrote in boston_buddies,

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My soon-to-be Boston!!!

I'm so excited! I finally am getting my very first Boston baby! I just chose her today after seeing her for the 1st time yesterday. It's been months of research and frustrations (from just-missed connections, people contacting me and telling me that I'm perfect for their boston, and then giving them to someone else..and so many other frustrations). I won't believe she's mine until she's in my arms and home...which won't be for another couple weeks since she just turned 5 weeks old today. I can't wait!
[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<img [...] pink">') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

I'm so excited! I finally am getting my very first Boston baby! I just chose her today after seeing her for the 1st time yesterday. It's been months of research and frustrations (from just-missed connections, people contacting me and telling me that I'm perfect for their boston, and then giving them to someone else..and so many other frustrations). I won't believe she's mine until she's in my arms and home...which won't be for another couple weeks since she just turned 5 weeks old today. I can't wait!
<img src=" closeup.jpg" alt=""pink" at 5 weeks" />
<lj-cut text="Here are some more pics (which I'll probably keep staring at until she's in my arms again).">
<img src="">
Cute little wiggle butt!

<img src="" >
pile o'bostons! wish I could have them all! my baby's up at the top with her new purple collar.

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  • Hi all!

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